Scholastica Wikia

So, Amber and myself did some communi of the cating (communicating) and we decided to have a wiki called SAMB wiki and basically bring all the SAMBers there and call it the SAMB.

Now here me out, we only use the real SAMB to post trashy/ridiculous/random/memey/strange things, life updates, Roleplay, And fanfiction. So what’s the difference if we do it on another place?

This new wiki has a “Discuss” section which is a lot like the layout of the SAMB (as in, you can create threads and people reply to them) plus, you can attach pictures to each thread and comment (obviously to be used appropriately).

There’s also a Blogpost section, which you guys know about so I won’t explain that, which would work as well. Amber and I have decided to hold a voting election thingy for which part (Discuss or Blogposts) get used as the main thread area. (However I think that the Discuss area should be used for random posts and life updates and the Blogposts should be use for Roleplays...that way people can always find their Roleplay and it just makes everything a little neater.

Another good thing is that people can put their Fanfictions on “Pages” so it’ll be easier to update and keep track of those too.

And Bonus: did you know that you can code on wikis? That’s how I’ve been adding all yee gradients. You can code in comments too.

and in Blog posts

. . .

Instead of summoning a peep to a chat thread, you can post on their wall. Convienence.

I’m not saying that you have the leave the real SAMB all together (you can still post on that all you want), I’m just saying that you should really give this new wiki a shot. The layout will obviously be different but you will adapt.

The main reason why we’re doing this though, is so that Amber, myself, Buddy, and other permabanned members can regularly participate too.

It’s mainly about bringing friends back together :)

The link can be found here(don’t expect much just yet, it’s only very very new):

BTW: Signitures are still possible, except they don’t work on the Discuss area
