Scholastica Wikia

Pinkypuma18 Pinkypuma18 1 May 2017

Regarding Bikingsnake23

He has been banned until 3017. I apologize for not doing this earlier. I had no idea he was also causing drama on the SAMB as well.

Into the Shadow Realm he goes

  1. EkleguLightBox {display:none; background:#fff; opacity:1; position:fixed; top:10%; left:5%; width:290px; height:60px; z-index:1000; border:2px solid #000;margin: 0px; padding:10px; padding-top:5px;}#EkleguLightBox > dl {margin: 0px; padding:0px;}#EkleguLightBox > dl > dt {margin: 0px; padding:0px; padding-top:5px; font-family:'Times New Roman',serif; font-size:14px; color:black; line-height: 1.0; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; background: transparent;}#EkleguLightBox > dl > dd {margin: 0px; padding:0px; padding-top:2px; font-family:'Times New Roman',serif; font-size:14px;…
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Pinkypuma18 Pinkypuma18 30 April 2017

I've seen a big interest on Discord

I am aware of there already being a server, but can someone link me to it? thanks

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Pinkypuma18 Pinkypuma18 11 August 2016

I was banned because someone hacked me.

I'm not sure how I was banned, but someone on Quotev under the name of Robert told me they knew my login and said they were an MBer. I don't know how they knew, but I freaked out and this morning, when I checked the MB, I found out I was banned for a day, because of profanity and bullying a user. 

I swear I did not do this. Whoever this Robert guy is, I'm scared that they know my password, which I can't change.

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Pinkypuma18 Pinkypuma18 26 April 2016

Weekly Update - 4/25/15

Okay, I'm planning on doing updates every week. I hope I can commit to this.

Okay, what is new? Um, I don't know. I'm going to talk of new users joining the Wiki and new info on pages. 

Wait, oh yeah, uh, Spirit Animals: Fall of the Beasts Book Three: the Return is out tomorrow, in case you Sambians read the books. I've already read it six days early, and rather than use that time to write a review, I just spent it procrastinating.

If you are new or have concerns, you can contact me on my message wall(iver) (sorry, inside joke).



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Pinkypuma18 Pinkypuma18 3 April 2016

This is a public service announcement.

What is this fandom propaganda?

Why has the Wiki been ruined because of it?


Why is this like a kids chat website, people talking on the pages, but not in the comment section?

Those are questions I want answered.

I originally made Scholastica Wiki in order for people to find out about MB vocabulary, or about certain conflicts, or why everyone keeps talking about a certain MBer.

I did not make this Wiki for people to post characters from books or shows that they find attractive, and then spam the page in capital letters. 

I did not make it so you could make pages about someone without their permission.

And I certainly did not make it so you could spread rumors about others by simply going as anon, and then vandalizing a page about someone. I do…

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